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When you're aiming to set up a scavenger hunt, you might be pondering how much time frame you are committing oneself to. It's a great thought, and one which does not have a single size that matches ev ...

Decorating With Entertainment in MindSure, when you're throwing a party it's easy to put up balloons and streamers, but it's easy to forget one of the most important things: memories. You know all tha ...

Face paint is great fun for kids most of the time and for sports fans on gameday, but who wants to buy so esoteric a product? You don't have to. Watch this video to learn how to make homemade face pai ...

Lana Rae Badouin, in this video you will learn how to place candy bouquet stems and other elements to create an overall fan shape and use a stuffed animal to create a focal point. This video illustrat ...

Make a spider queen face painting design! Learn how to use face paints as eye makeup and spiderwebs in this free video series about face painting ideas. ...

Body painting is a fun and exciting way to explore your artistic abilities. Learn to paint SpongeBob SquarePants from a body painting expert in this free video series. ...

Face painting a lion is a fun way to explore your artistic creativity and spice up a party. Learn to paint a lion using face paints from a face painting expert in this free video series. ...

Body painting is a fun way to explore your artistic abilities. Learn to paint an alligator design from a body painting expert in this free video series. ...

Kids' art projects don't have to be expensive or time-consuming. In this free online series of art videos about crafts for kids, learn how to make fun projects from household items, taught by expert P ...

Planning a party for kids? Does your child have an event coming up? Here is a helpful how-to video on the game "all tied up". ...